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……Although I do admit its monday. This past week I got through three midterms, and passed one so far. Don’t know about the other two. And then I have another one tomorrow.

Today I decided something. Lately I haven’t thought that I was smart enough for my program, and I kind of give myself excuses for that. And if I fail it will not be because I’m not smart enough its because I don’t think I am. I am, I got into this program and those who review applications to accept people to universities would not have let me in if I wasn’t smart enough. And I got through first term all by myself. So I can do this. I just need to work harder at it. I will not fail because of lack of trying. I don’t think I could look myself in the eye for a long time if I did that.

……..I just reread that paragraph and its not very coherent, but I can’t think of how to make it better. (A lot of unnecessary repetition as my grade 12 english teacher would say)  I can’t words today. Hopefully some one gets the gist of what I’m saying. If not just enjoy the quotes. I think I’m going to bed. (though I may have just made it better….or worse…)

So with that in mind, these quotes reflect that thinking (about the not failing, not the incorrectness of that paragraph. Thought I should clarify). I’m sorry about the female pronoun it applies to males just as much as females in my view point.

